Updated Facial Hair Policy

21 Dec 2020 by John Mitchell

Hey Guys,

Chick-fil-A is, starting Jan. 1st, allowing us, at Scott’s discretion, to have facial hair. We have been pretty lax in this area during the pandemic, but after next week we will begin enforcing the new appearance standards. In this post I will outline the guideline that we have been given to still be in line with Chick-fil-A standards. While this is exciting news for a lot of you, its very important that we closely follow these standards to maintain the professional appearance that a top 20% store should have, and if we are unable to keep up with and maintain the standard it is a privilege that we could lose.

Acceptable Appearance Styles—-

Acceptable grooming styles include cleanly shaven appearance, or if Operators choose to allow it, Team Members may also consider wearing short, neatly groomed facial hair with a cleanly defined cheek and neckline, strictly adhering to the below grooming requirements and as pictured:

Short is defined as hair up to one-half inch in length (4 standard trimmer guard).

Neatly groomed means there is a defined line where hair ends. For example, with a beard, hair should end generally where the jawline meets the neck (above the Adam’s apple).

No undefined lines, shaving, carvings, designs or extreme styles are permitted (like chinstraps, chops or handlebars).

While a Team Member is growing facial hair, the acceptable facial hair guidelines still must be followed. Team Members should not work with unclean lines or patchy, inconsistent hair growth.

I also want to make clear that what this does NOT mean, is that its ok to just not shave every day. The options are to either A) Be clean shaven or B)Grow neatly trimmed facial hair that looks like the pictures attached.

It is also important to know that a beard net will be required in the kitchen if you are going to maintain facial hair. Currently your mask qualifies as a beard net as long as it contains all fo your facial hair.

If you have any questions about any of these guidelines, or where your current facial hair might fall, please feel free to ask!



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